Friendship day's celebration takes place on the first Sunday of August every year. It's a tradition of dedicating a day in honour of friends and took place for the first time in US in the year 1935.
Gradually the festival gained popularity and today it is celebrated in large number of countries including India. On this day people spend time with their friends and express their love for them. Exchange of Friendship Day gifts like flowers, cards and wrist bands are popular traditions followed during this occasion.
Friends plays a very valuable role in our life. They always act as our followers or leaders in both good or bad moments and give a meaningful direction to our lives. A friend represents a world for you and without him or her, your world is incomplete. On this day people pay sincere tribute to their friends and appreciate the important role played by them in shaping their lives.
In this advanced world of nuclear families people are very busy in achieving luxurious comforts .Then there are times when we find it tough to discuss matters with our family members or even with our spouse. These are the times when friends provide the highly essential support to us.
They guide us and become pillars of strength for us when we need them the most. And the best part of it is that we don't really need to put things in words while communicating issues to our best friends. Mostly friends understand us, just by looking at us or by hearing our voice. This somewhat 'heart-to-heart bonding' is the primary essence being friendship being so exclusive and, therefore, setting it apart from all other relationships.
Some of the most popular ways of expressing our love and good wishes for friends are through the exchange of friendship day gifts like friendship day cards, flowers, quotes, poems, songs, messages, prayer, recipes. It has been seen that cards come in very handy when we wish to express our deepest feelings or convey our warm wishes for friends.
Friendship day is now being celebrated in quite a big way in India. The noble idea of honouring friends and friendship has been really celebrated by youngsters of India and one can see the festival being enthusiastically celebrated by the youngsters, especially students.
People dedicate this day for their best friends. Mostly they choose to celebrate the entire day in the loving company of their dearest friends. They recollect the sweet memories of the time that they spend together and share their lives over a cup of coffee. This is in fact the ideal way of celebrating friendship day celebration for many people.
Just as in US and several other countries, this 'day' has been commercialized to a great extent in India. Days before the festival, gift sellers run an extensive campaign to convince people to buy cards and gifts for their friends. Restaurateurs too try to attract people by offering special discounts. Many people criticize such excessive campaigning. They feel that it is a mode of business, thereby, making this day very formal. Some people, however, feel that campaigning has helped to generate awareness about the friendship day festival and the idea of having a day dedicated especially to friends.
By: Shruti Singh
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